Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Importance of a Good Traffic Management Plan

Many decades ago, the word traffic management sydney was almost nonexistent since population problem and road traffic were still at a level that was easy to control. However, with the boom of urban population comes the increase in the number of different types of vehicles on the streets. It is very common to see highly developed cities whose roads are congested. Even though there are lots of new roads and highway infrastructures built to ease the flow of traffic, they still cannot keep up with the number of vehicles using the roads on a daily basis.

The concept of traffic management was born to address this need. Government authorities used to spearhead the job when traffic was still controllable in the past. Now that they cannot handle the increase in vehicles on the streets as well as the increase of the workload due to additional road infrastructures that need to be managed, private players have contributed to the need for assistance aggressively. In addition to that, they have also provided a multitude of roles pertaining traffic management and road safety that were previously handled exclusively by the government.

Traffic management is also very important now that there is a boom in housing and commercial complexes. In the past, government authorities were only concerned about easing the flow of traffic from one road to another. Nowadays, they also have to take the management of traffic in inter-towns and inter-cities into consideration, especially those roads that traverse on residential and commercial areas. Plans need to be feasible for each area, especially that traffic congestion in a certain locality can be observed at specific times of the day, like during the morning, lunchtime, and during rush hour late in the afternoon.

Because the management of the traffic congestion problem has already gone beyond the capacity of the government, it is a great relief for them that there are many privately-owned traffic management companies existing nowadays to help take care of the problem. Since the government is using all its might to control the current traffic situation on the streets, traffic management companies deal with other duties, such as drafting traffic management and traffic control plans for public and private construction projects, management of car parks, collaboration with government officials in bridge maintenance, and many more.

Various infrastructure and road construction projects and events largely affect the flow of traffic as well as the convenience and safety of on-site workers and the general public. If one company or organization wants to build or organize his events in an orderly and safe fashion, they will be required by road or highway authorities to present a well drafted traffic control plan before they will be officially given a go signal to start their project or formally finalize their event. Because of the stiffness of various traffic rules and regulations in each state, many are faced with the challenge of having their traffic management sydney plans approved. Employing the assistance of a professional traffic management consultant will not only ensure a feasible traffic control plan, but also an increased chance of its quick approval by the authorities.

Yunz Contracting provides traffic management services. Visit our site at  if you have any inquiries or if you need any assistance in services pertaining to traffic management in Sydney.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Australia Facing a Looming Traffic Crisis

Although Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Canberra are among the most modern metropolises in the world, they are facing a growing traffic congestion problem. Though not yet at the worst congestion levels alongside other cities in Asia-Pacific including Jakarta, Bangkok, Manila and Beijing, little has been done yet to address this problem. News reports are right to say Australian cities are facing a traffic crisis. How is this affecting the continent?

According to an IBM Commuter Pain Study of 2011, majority of Aussies are feeling the stress of their daily commute and it’s taking a toll on their health, lifestyle and productivity. It is no surprise that commuters would feel lethargic coming to work or school after experiencing longer time on the road (no thanks to traffic jams) and that people are becoming tardy because they cannot avoid highly trafficked routes. But this is a great pain on the national economy due to the loss of productivity to long traffic jams. Traffic jams cost the country’s economy $9.4 billion and in a few years, the loss of productivity would reach a staggering $20 billion.

The economic losses over traffic congestion will continue to surge as people are being stuck in their vehicles. There is no escaping the problems caused by growing traffic in Australian cities unless government and the public and private sectors present a win-win solution.

Traffic growth in key Australian cities will pose problems in the coming years as our national economy continues to grow and there is no preventing it on the roads. As income per individual increases, so is the personal car travel though at a slowing rate over time. A person’s growing income might spur one’s desire to travel by road as if it entices plane travel too. Factors that will also contribute to the demand for car travel include growing population (both natural increase and immigration) and car sales.

The population growth in the key cities will likely elicit the increase in level of car traffic. And we are only talking about car traffic in here, not truck traffic which increases is due to the growing demand for freight transport and the increase in truck loads too. This is the same thing with the economic factor on road activity too: As the economy grows, truck traffic grows even quicker.

Economic growth always has its benefits and negative outcomes. Though it makes our cities liveable and its economy bustling, it also adds to high pollution levels and greenhouse gas emission rates. Though our cities are becoming liveable due to traffic, they may not be healthy and safe cities at all due to noise and road accidents.

More than just widening our road networks, constructing new routes, penalising smoke-belching vehicles, reforming our vehicle standards and encouraging people to walk or take up bicycles, much has to be done with our traffic management Sydney procedures as they no longer respond to the changing traffic patterns. As what the IBM Commuter Pain Study would like to say, our cities are no longer keeping themselves up with the fast-growing commuter needs.

YunzContracting offers professional and up-to-date traffic management, planning and control solutions. Please contact us today and let’s discuss how our contractors can provide reliable and efficient traffic services. Please visit our website too.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Civil Contracting for Better Roads

Well-paved and well-maintained roads and pathways allow progress to take place safely and swiftly. Without a better network of roads, there would be no signs of transportation, no communication, and simply no economic or social activities. What other links can connect people to other people, business to business and people to business? For this, civil contractors need to realise they have an urgent task to keep our roads in the best working conditions.

Many of us will not readily understand the role of roads in our society in maximising economic and social benefits. Without roads, our country won’t be reaping and enjoying the fruits of its economic labour and its people will be devoid of socialization and support from others. In short, there would be no national development, no business and economic opportunities and Aussies would be left isolated from each other.

One sector in society that looks after the state of our roads and pathways is the civil contracting industry. Servicing to public and private, commercial and industrial clients, civil contractors who are experts in road servicing and maintenance, know better than many of us about roads. Without better roads, how can they drive their vehicles or travel their equipment? How can they assess to work areas?

Being responsible for the maintenance of our road systems and pathways, our civil contractors perform the following:

Street and Motorway Lighting

 Progress does not only occur during the day, but at night too. Big cities, like Sydney and Melbourne, are home to thousands of thousands of graveyard shift workers which include police officers, hospital workers, security guards, office employees and night shift drivers. You would never know what courage these people do have to report for the night especially if it is quite unsafe and dangerous in the dark. Evil is lurking in the dark, you thought.

Civil contractors will make sure roads are will lit as evening breaks and when people should travel or commute when dark and as drivers drive their way to their destination. Motorway and streetlights will be installed along the roads to provide lighting comfort and security to motorists and to pedestrians as well. Contractors will make sure the lights will always be functional.

Traffic Management

Not all road servicing civil contractors offer traffic management services. As much as they improve the conditions of our roads, they should also make sure the motoring public make good use of our roads by managing traffic effectively to prevent hot heads among motorists and ensure swift and safe flow of transportation. With smooth traffic flow, no service is delayed.

Road and Footpath Resurfacing

All civil contracting firms should provide road or footpath restoration services (concrete or asphalt). Bumpy roads are not good for service vehicles include food transport, delivery vans and ambulances. Moreover, pools and ponds do not make a road.

The conditions of our roads can wear and tear over time so civil contractors should carry out road surface restorations to protect road integrity and to allow vehicles to travel smoothly.

One way you can assess society is to survey the state or condition of its road networks. If it is in good working conditions, you will know society has been greatly progressing and the civil contractors NSW have been doing a great job.

What kind of a road maintenance project do you have in store for our expert civil contractors NSW? Please contact Yunz Contracting  today and let’s discuss about your project. We look to provide you better service.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Restoring Road Surfaces through Surface Dressing

Aside from maintaining the integrity of roads, restoring road surfaces is of utmost priority. Slippery roads have caused a lot of road mishaps, which heighten during rainy season or during winter. While there is not much that people can do to control the weather and the change of seasons, their impact can certainly be cushioned by fixing road surfaces that inevitably become smooth and slippery over time with wear and tear. One of the methods that civil contractors nsw employ to restore road surfaces is surface dressing.

As the name implies, surface dressing aims to improve the skid resistance of roads through the application of a certain coating or substance. In surface dressing, coatings of tar-like substance called bitumen are first sprayed on the road, which are then followed by pouring layers of hard stone chippings. The mixture is then rolled in to create an even road surface and to further embed the stone chippings. When the bitumen sets or dries, the hard stone chippings will already adhere to the road surface.

Surface dressing is a frequent method of choice in restoring road surfaces simply because of the speed that the entire project can be carried out and completed, thereby reducing traffic delays. This method also allows traffic to run on new surfaces almost immediately, thereby minimizing road closures and inconvenience to motorists. In addition to giving smooth and slippery roads excellent skid resistance, it also prevents water to seep into the road foundation and weaken it, thereby minimizing the occurrence of potholes and delaying the need to completely rebuild the road. The greatest advantage of surface dressing is that the initiative is a lot cheaper compared to the cost of other road surface restoration methods.

Even if surface dressing has great advantages, it has also its minor setbacks. These setbacks, however, are not due to the method itself but the inconsiderate and the lack of cooperation of drivers who drive on newly resurfaced roads. For instance, drivers are cautioned to drive very slowly on these newly resurfaced areas so as to prevent dislodging the chippings. Unfortunately, there are really inconsiderate drivers who ignore this warning, and as a result, chippings get dislodged and thrown up, destroying vehicles and even property.

To facilitate the satisfactory completion of road resurfacing, the first thing contractors will do is to inform the public in advance regarding the project and provide warning signs and advisories from the start of the project until it is ready for normal use. Ensuring high quality work standards is of utmost priority. To facilitate the task, contractors will first sweep footpaths and roads to remove the loose chippings.  Traffic control and taking necessary action on complaints will also be taken cared of to minimize hazards and inconveniences on the road.

Even if the success of road resurfacing is in the hands of civil contractors nsw, you can participate in the project by simply keeping your vehicle off the road on its scheduled day of treatment. When you are travelling on recently treated roads, make sure to drive slowly only up to the recommended speed limit, and never overtake.

Yunz Contracting provides civil contractor services. Visit our site today if you are looking for civil contractors in NSW.